Social Corner
Happy birthday to Cornelia Schütt
August 11 is the date of birth of the famous Haïtian singer Cornelia Schütt, AKA Ti-Corn. She was born in Germany and...
Adieu to a brilliant scientist
Stephen Hawking who after a preliminary diagnosis was thought would live only two years, had defied the prognostics and...
Radiovcs salute the Entertainers
Radiovcs is basically an internet music oriented medium, aiming at keeping its listeners entertain 24/7 by playing all...
Bonne Anniversaire Françoise Hardy
La chanteuse/actrice Françoise Hardy est une septagenaire née un 17 Janvier. Beaucoup de francophones se souviennent...
Capricornians, Happy New Year/Birthday
To all our friends who were born on December 21, through January 19, we are celebrating with you the new year and your...
Whoopi Goldberg & Claude Valade
Whoopi is an “American actress, comedian, author, and television host”. At present, she shares her opinions...
Radiovcs salut le depart de Fernande Thomas
Enfin, après une longue maladie courageusement combattue, Madame Fernande Thomas est décédée le mardi 25 May 2017...
May 28th is Haïtians mother’s day
A toutes les mamans haïtiennes, bonne fête des mères. Voiçi pour vous un joli bouquet, ce sont des fleurs de jardin...
Farewell/Adieu Herby Widmaier
Haiti, le monde de la radio, les musiciens et les amants de la bonne musique courbent bien bàs pour saluer la...
Happy Women Day
This is a great day for our mothers, our sisters, our daughters, our wives; it’s a great day for our women...