US vs France

. The Paris 2024 Olympiad. US winning medals so far sum-up to a total of 122 which brings the count to: 38 gold, 42 silver and 42 bronze. Lebron James, Steph Curry and their fellow American team players displayed a golden, memorable, breath taken basketball match on this August 10, 2024, Olympics’ day.

. Paris (France) 8/11/24
The 2024 Olympiad terminates. US won a total of 126 medals: 40 gold, 44 silver and 42 bronze. At the closing ceremony, China brings home 91 medals: 40 gold, 27 silver and 24 bronze. |France 64: 16 gold, 26 silver and 22 bronze. |Australia 53: 18 gold, 19 silver and 16 bronze. |Japan 45: 20 gold, 12 silver, and 13 bronze. And so on.

Congrats to France/US/the Olympics organizers. And of course, to our Olympians.

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