An intellectual Giant

The loss of an iconic intellect

Name her how you’d like to, feminist, liberal, a petite woman or else. But bow your head to her civility, appreciate her unsurpassable intellectual brilliance, and say to yourself; wasn’t she undoubtedly a great servant of the human race.

Late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who now has moved to a higher dimension, was an icon of a high caliber of the Justice System. And, she really has a humble beginning when you check and understand her life history, it’s also fascinating to discover how her devotions helped shaping or changing the justice System in America.

It is remarkably important to underscore that her intellectual arguments and dissents got positive results for particularly the woman right cause or any argument pertaining to a justifiable cause.

Justice Ginsburg was tremendously admired by her colleagues, as well by her ‘opposing’ counterparts and most importantly by the people. She was the embodiment of civility and decency.

RBG died on Friday September 18, 2020. She was 87 years old.

Go in peace: trailblazer, fighter and defender of the just cause.

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